Directory of the County of Peel 1873-1874

Directory of the County of Peel  1873-1874 , compiled by John Lynch

Name and/or BusinessOccupation
Aubrey, GeorgeTinsmith
Albion Hotel, Thomas Curliss, Owner
Alexander, RobertCabinetmaker
Arthurs, AndrewLabourer
Beamish, JohnButcher
Beamish, Richard Jr.Teamster
Beamish, Richard Sr.Labourer
Bell, JohnDealer in Boots and Shoes
Bell, JosephMachinist
Bolton, Charles E.Clerk
Bolton, Jesse N.Publisher, British Standard Newspaper
Bolton, John P.Merchant
Bolton, Lambert R.Reeve, Clerk D.C.
Bolton, SamuelUndertaker
Bonnar, David M.D.Coroner
Bonnar, JamesGentleman
Booth, HenryPotashery
Booth, RobertPostmaster
Bradley, WilliamTeamster
Bright, CharlesTanner
British Standard, J.N. Bolton, Publisher
Brown, PatrickTanner
Brown, ThomasLumber Merchant
Brownlee, RobertTimber Merchant
Brownlee, WilliamLabourer
Brydon, StephenBaker
Buist, AlexanderSaw Mill and Woollen Factory
Buist, William S.Saw Mill and Woollen Factory
Burns, JamesLabourer
Burns, James H.Pottery
Cairns, JohnCarpenter
Cairns, ThomasCarpenter
Coates, GeorgeBlacksmith
Cooper, ThomasMerchant Tailor and Millinery
Cummings, ThomasTailor
Corliss, JohnRailway Hotel
Curliss, ThomasAlbion Hotel
Curliss, WilliamMasonic Arms Hotel
Dalton, William H.M.D.
Dawkins, J.Clerk
Dick, RobertLumber Merchant
Dick, WilliamFoundry
Dixon, WilliamSaddler
Dodds, AlbertCarriage Builder
Dodds, GeorgeFarmer
Dowling, BryanRailway Station Master
East, ElishaLabourer
Eaves, ThomasMerchant
Elliott, GeorgeExchange Hotel
Elliott, GeorgeGentleman
Elliott, RobertLabourer
Elliott, RobertTanner
Elliott, RobertFarmer
Evans, GeorgeExchange Hotel
Exchange Hotel, George Evans, Owner
Felstead, WilliamLabourer
Fox, Mrs
Friar, JohnShoemaker
Galvin, MIchaelLabourer
Gardhouse, JohnMerchant and Mill Owner
Gardhouse, William
Gilpin, Rev. JohnPrimitive Methodist Clergy
Godbolt, RobertFarmer
Goodfellow, James
Griffin, WilliamWeaver
Hacking, WilliamRailway employee
Hardwick, MatthewCarpenter
Harper, JohnSaddler
Hassard, Mrs. MaryHotel Keeper
Hebden, Mrs. EllenWidow
Hersent, Mrs. Anne
Hickman, EdwardM.D.
Hoath, Ellen
Hughes, William C.Carpenter
Hitchinson, GeorgeLabourer
Hyde, WilliamRailway Switchman
Jaffary, WyattMerchant, J.P.
Johnston, HughConstable
Johnston, JamesFarmer
Keating, JamesGentleman
Kennedy, GillardTanner
Knight, FrederickMiller
Laceby, ThomasLabourer
Lang, William Esquire
Leggett, Mary
McBride, SamuelMoulder
McCaw, AndrewTailor
McDonald, FrancisCooper
McFadden, JamesLabourer
Martin, CaesarTailor
Matheson, Rev. JamesWesleyan Methodist Clergy
Mills, ThomasTailor
Montreal Telegraph Office, H.R. Booth, Agent
Moody, JohnBlacksmith
Morley, JohnLabourer
Morrow, Francis B.Merchant
Munsie, James Esquire
Murch, GeorgeWaggon Maker
Noble, JaneProprietor
Noble, SarahProprietor
Norris, HenryFarmer
Norris, WilliamShoemaker
Norton, DavidBrickmaker
Nunn, Maria
OèDea, TimothyCarpenter
Parsons, RichardProprietor
Pearce, William Henry
Plummer, John P.Moulder
Rawe, JamesArtist
Roberts, JamesCarpenter
Robertson, JamesCarpenter
Robinson, EdwardTeamster
Scott, HughBookkeeper
Segsworth, WilliamBlacksmith
Seymour, WilliamWaggonmaker
Shields, JohnMerchant
Shore, EdmundToronto House Hotel
Shore, JacobProprietor
Small, DanielInnkeeper
Smith, George D.Painter
Smith, WilliamButcher
Snell, Samuel J.Druggist
Starrett, Mrs. H.Dressmaker
Steele, JohnTaylor & Steele
Sterne, AnneWidow
Sterne, Plummer
Sterne, WilliamProprietor
Stork, JamesDruggist
Switzer, JohnBailiff and Carpenter
Taylor & SteeleGeneral Merchants
Taylor, WalterTaylor & Steele
Tindale, MarthaWidow
Towler, Mrs. JamesWidow
Treadgold, GeorgeAgent
Walford, Samuel A.Chandler
Warbrick, JosephTanner and Leather Merchant
Watson, GeorgeCarpenter
Wheeler, Rev. JosephCongregationalist Clergy
White, JohnLabourer
Whitten, WilliamCarder
Wilson, JosephMerchant Tailor
Wolfe, JamesBlacksmith
Yeoman, M.A.Proprietor

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