Welcome to the Albion Bolton Historical Society website. The Society is dedicated to preserving, researching, documenting and telling the history of the old Township of Albion and specifically the village of Bolton.


The History of Milling in Bolton
1821 – 1968

The Albion Bolton Historical Society invites you to attend a meeting on Monday October 7 devoted to the history of milling in Bolton.  Bolton owes its existence to the west branch of the Humber River which flows through the valley and was recognized as a favourable sight for a mill. John McFall’s great grandfather,  grandfather, great aunt and father were involved in the ownerships and operation of the flour mill. John will show slides drawn from the Society collection and display some McFall family memorbilia related to the mill and millers. This talk is likely to evoke memories from long time residents of Bolton and to introduce an important part of Bolton’s history to those new to Bolton.