- The Ontario Hotel was built around 1870 by William McKee 1. It stood on the east side of Queen Street across from Sterne Street
- The brick in the two-storey, Neoclassical style hotel came from Norton’s brickyard, located in the valley south of King Street East
- The hotel was best known for its fine dining room; it also had extensive stabling at the rear
- William McKee employed innkeepers to help with the operation: Daniel Small in the early 1870s, William Squires in the 1870s, Harness maker William J. Dixon in the late 1870s/early 1880s 2
- After McKee’s untimely death around 1880, his wife Rebecca took over the hotel management while at the same time coping with eight young children 3
- From 1885 to around 1900, brothers Richard, Benjamin and George Beamish owned the property and operated the hotel 4
And the building?
- Not to be confused with Robert McAfee, brother-in-law of Thomas Curliss who was the innkeeper at James Wolfe’s Inn
- Perkins Bull Hotel and Innkeeper Files, Boxes 32-34, Region of Peel Archives
- ancestry.ca. Census Records 1871, Albion Township
- Perkins Bull Hotel files, ibid.
- ibid.
- Photos of the hotel in the Robertson Matthews Collection indicate that the hotel and store burned down in 1912